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Please be advised that we are attempting to monetize this website via affiliate marketing programs. We may receive compensation when products and services featured or advertised on this website are purchased. It is possible that we will receive monetary compensation if you purchase any product represented or reviewed on this website as well. Meaning that, if a product, service, plug-in, theme, software or any item, is recommended or advertised, and you click a link, and go to the product’s website, and purchase it, we may receive a commission payment. Reference in this site to any specific commercial product, process, or service, or the use of any trade, firm or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring.
We do recommend products that we, trust, and believe will add value for the purchaser. If we give the product an endorsement, we stake our reputation along with the creator’s that it will perform in the manner represented. This is however only our opinion, and therefore yours may vary. All results for persons using these products are unique and subjective.
If you have any questions about the affiliate programs or products represented, you may examine the terms on the respective company’s website.
Any complaints, suggestions, claims, or grievances about the actual products themselves, should be taken up with the product’s provider or manufacturer, as we are only users and reviewers ourselves, and have no real power to assist you in regards to someone elses product. We cannot amend our agreements with the product creators.
However, please contact us if you feel anything at all has been misrepresented by us on this site.
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